Brushworks Edge Borstel & Kam
- Product: Haarborstels
A Double Ended 2 in 1 Tool perfect for Smoothing Flyway’s and Creating Sleek Hairstyles. Take your hairstyle to the next level and effortlessly achieve that sleek hair look. Lay your edges, baby hairs and flyways flat using the Brushworks Edges Brush and Comb. Specifically designed to be used alongside styling products for an effortlessly smooth finish. Featuring firm bristles to smooth down all hair types and a small comb to separate baby hairs. This essential hair styling tool can be used with hairspray, gel, mousse, and pomade products to help ensure that your style stays in place for as long as you need it to. How to use: Brush over bumps and gaps in the hairstyle to smooth down for a flawless, sleek finish. Apply some product to the brush or straight onto the hair and use the firm bristles to distribute product across the hair to set the sleek style into place. Use the comb to separate hair, find parting and comb through baby hairs.
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